By unions conjoined, do my words offend thine ears? They should, but amiably I blame the heart of thee, Who confounds to natures rule of law free Of a man with strength that maketh my breath thus flee Look how one kiss, transformeth the sole heart of thine manhood From sweet husband of another, to a lover of friar Despite of matrimonial oaths thus flawed, These be their golden times, they so seem bored Two misplaced souls in a lone lust of cage That seemeth to lead to a path of destruct By Carolyn Gatonye The above is a poem I wrote. Not so long ago. Of a relationship between married people; who are not married to each other. Or just people who cheat(in committal relationships). I wrote it as I wondered, "What makes people cheat?". What really does? Does a person wake up one day and decide, well, tonight am gonna break my vows. Is it the boredom and routine? The "getting used to the same stuff"? A close friend once told me he cheats because the wif...