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Showing posts from April, 2014

My Split Personality

Does your Facebook status update define you? For me, maybe, no idea! Am usually a different person on social media, quite different from the actual real person I happened to be designed in real life for. You see, social media helps me create a person I tend to think I am. Or who I believe should be! It usually works, I reckon maybe. Am one of those shy creatures. Maybe shy is an overstatement. Am quiet. The lone person that just sits and listens..listens and barely talks, I usually find myself playing 'dead-bug' in every crowd. Almost always pretending the wings beside me are cut off. Helps me get away with cold, brutal murders! ..just kidding! Well, it's a nice game to play. Soon you discover what material people are really made up of (not that it really matters) but in a world of man-eats-man, its somehow important. Knowing who sits next to you, who lives next to you, that's important. So hiding behind the veil of darkness and quiet, it tends to pay off. Quite e...