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Showing posts from May, 2016

Her Little Steps

When my daughter took her first steps, I couldnt believe it. It was a mixture of emotion, disbelief and shock. All crampled into one. I had planned for this day for many days. I thought, well, when her day finally comes and she takes her first step, I will scream and shout. I would make a little video of her and share with her daddy and be the first one to tell him his daughter is walking. Make a big deal about it. I made the perfect visual video I could imagine. And all those that love her would call and eagerly show the concern they had for her to walk.   So I always in hand to film her as she took those first baby steps. She didnt. She suprised me actually. So on this day, I had little footsteps as she walked towards me. Tic Toc Tic Toc. In her little shoes she walked towards me. My back was facing away from her. And it was the most precious thing I ever felt. Save for the baby kicks in my womb. This was also one of the most priceless gifts. Couldnt explain the ...