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A Black Man's Problems

Dear world,

Black people cannot be racist.

Take this to the bank,..

As time and years have proved, black people have more problems than just sitting and comparing colors.

A black man can be compared to a faithful dog. Submissive to his master and very much ready to do any job, anything for food, a piece of meat in a land full of greens.
A black man is the only creature who starves in a country of fertile lands, waits the whole day for fish at the shores of the ocean. Rows his boat months an end to fend for a family of twelve.

A black man has many problems. He creates many gods to satisfy his longing to belong, to be loved. To feel important in his own land. He makes a god to lead him into his own promised land. Through religion, he is comfortable in being blind folded into the belief of a god of others. He is contented. He is a descendant of the Father of the land of far.

A black man has power problems. He loves oppression. And at the mention of power, he will sell his folks for a dime. He will feed his children as carcasses for hounds, slaughter them for a good job at the bank.  He’s important when he serves. He’s happy to be called Sir, sit high in a seat of power, stepping down on his own brood. That’s important to him. Give him this, and forever he will be important.

A black man has field problems. He works in his own fields. He digs coal, and with his bare hands finds gold and diamonds in hot mines, sells for a few pounds just to gobble down a whole day’s work a cheap drink down his throat. He maximizes his sweat in cotton fields, tills land and ploughs acres of tea in the cold, yet buys what he produces at a high price, he minds not. Just give him food, call him Sir, and he's contented.

A black man has diet problems. He’s now turning his daughters thin; An ideal shape from the ideal minds. The daughters are starving to belong. To fit in a world of bare skin and bones. In horse hairs and made up faces, they trot the streets in red heels. Red lips, this is the world of beauty. They are contented.

A black man has skin problems. His face is not a good thing to look at. He's turning it inside out. Herbs and medicines invented to change his black skin. He pays a lot for another shed. No longer a form in the shade. Black may be a curse. And so the endless search for a new light.

A black man is funny. Look at him now, killing his own offspring, hitting his face with the blood of “kwere kwere”. Beating up his chest. Yet cries for freedom, freedom he knows not he will do with if given to him.

A black man is too poor to be racist. He's busier with other things. He has no time.
He got a lot in his hands. He holds in esteem a different color, a different culture, a different land. Did you not see him come back home with a nose accent? 
Trust me, He's no longer black!!


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