Life is not a rehearsal. Life is not high school either; life, is a concept of making something of oneself; whereby you take a route, (just once) never to return. so that you can have the opportunity of looking back and claim to have lived!
Life, is the only route we take once. To never return.
The only route we take to places we believe are better, more exciting...defined by decisions of hurt, pain, belief and faith in things unknown. making new friends, new enemies, taking pieces beneficial in the journey.
Yet somewhat we tend to stagnate; have this weird notion that we can live again. A syndrome of some sort. The Muga Syndrome I call it. Once I shared a class with a Muga guy. A clingy little boy who believed life revolved around the four walls of our high school classroom. While at that young age, for most of us, everything was all about competition, from the books, to who would be the teacher's pet. So in this, Muga found a high place to settle. Muga was home. HE was the Luis Litt of our little high school society(This will only make sense if you are familiar with Suits, the TV Series).
We made fun of him and ridiculed him as he sort titles to befit him.And to this, the teachers decided to reward little Muga with a huge responsibility, of punishing the "law breakers". Muga, couldn't have been more happier. Punishing us as we broke school rules, Muga seemed to find peace in this. Life was a musical. A high school musical, Muga the lead actor. Anyway, most of us would later actually learn to outgrow it. Unfortunately, not Muga.
Years later, everyone scattered to the ends of the earth, some to college, some cutting a niche into some other industries, name it, as life has it, we all have to leave and live sometime.
Welcome Social Media, the world of Facebook and Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp.
Muga found a place to keep in touch. Every step of his "life's achievement" would be reported and echoed to everyone, again, thank you social media. To anyone who cared listen, Muga reported the nitty gritty details of a life lived.
And he did eventually make it. OR so he believed. Unfortunately, none of us was there to crown him. As life would have it, most of us had already outgrown everything there was to...knowing that age and the economy wasn't on our side. So here stood Muga, wanting us to recognize the "edge" he had cut. Eventually making "Senior Partner", in a life we no longer shared or even cared. He made it his life business to find old friends, report his cut niche in a life greatly made.
Unfortunately, we had all scattered into the ends of the earth. Life was no longer the little circle in a bottle. Some of us had died, bore children, married, turned gay, made to politics.., with "important" lives to lead; yet here Muga found time for contacts and useless chitchats.
Someone once defined life as the process from B to D. Birth to Death. But whats between B and D? It's C. Choices. Our lives are a matter of choices. Live well and it will never go wrong. Don't get stuck in the past that you cant change. So as You wont have to go back to the past to drag into a present.
Life may be about competition, but as you live life, you realise we all have our own problems. No one really cares about another. We climb ladders and come down. We meet colleagues, make friends, get other colleagues, make friends. We realise that at the end of the day, our private lives are more important than the public. The sooner we realize this, the earlier we stop dragging the past and people who don't matter in our journeys.
We only live once, and the concept of this is not to go out smoke, drink and make asses of ourselves. Its about going out there and making something of ourselves that matter.
Work hard in silence and let your SUCCESS make the noise.
Life, surely is not about the steps made, but the footprints left!
Life, is the only route we take once. To never return.
The only route we take to places we believe are better, more exciting...defined by decisions of hurt, pain, belief and faith in things unknown. making new friends, new enemies, taking pieces beneficial in the journey.
Yet somewhat we tend to stagnate; have this weird notion that we can live again. A syndrome of some sort. The Muga Syndrome I call it. Once I shared a class with a Muga guy. A clingy little boy who believed life revolved around the four walls of our high school classroom. While at that young age, for most of us, everything was all about competition, from the books, to who would be the teacher's pet. So in this, Muga found a high place to settle. Muga was home. HE was the Luis Litt of our little high school society(This will only make sense if you are familiar with Suits, the TV Series).
We made fun of him and ridiculed him as he sort titles to befit him.And to this, the teachers decided to reward little Muga with a huge responsibility, of punishing the "law breakers". Muga, couldn't have been more happier. Punishing us as we broke school rules, Muga seemed to find peace in this. Life was a musical. A high school musical, Muga the lead actor. Anyway, most of us would later actually learn to outgrow it. Unfortunately, not Muga.
Years later, everyone scattered to the ends of the earth, some to college, some cutting a niche into some other industries, name it, as life has it, we all have to leave and live sometime.
Welcome Social Media, the world of Facebook and Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp.
Muga found a place to keep in touch. Every step of his "life's achievement" would be reported and echoed to everyone, again, thank you social media. To anyone who cared listen, Muga reported the nitty gritty details of a life lived.
And he did eventually make it. OR so he believed. Unfortunately, none of us was there to crown him. As life would have it, most of us had already outgrown everything there was to...knowing that age and the economy wasn't on our side. So here stood Muga, wanting us to recognize the "edge" he had cut. Eventually making "Senior Partner", in a life we no longer shared or even cared. He made it his life business to find old friends, report his cut niche in a life greatly made.
Unfortunately, we had all scattered into the ends of the earth. Life was no longer the little circle in a bottle. Some of us had died, bore children, married, turned gay, made to politics.., with "important" lives to lead; yet here Muga found time for contacts and useless chitchats.
Someone once defined life as the process from B to D. Birth to Death. But whats between B and D? It's C. Choices. Our lives are a matter of choices. Live well and it will never go wrong. Don't get stuck in the past that you cant change. So as You wont have to go back to the past to drag into a present.
Life may be about competition, but as you live life, you realise we all have our own problems. No one really cares about another. We climb ladders and come down. We meet colleagues, make friends, get other colleagues, make friends. We realise that at the end of the day, our private lives are more important than the public. The sooner we realize this, the earlier we stop dragging the past and people who don't matter in our journeys.
We only live once, and the concept of this is not to go out smoke, drink and make asses of ourselves. Its about going out there and making something of ourselves that matter.
Work hard in silence and let your SUCCESS make the noise.
Life, surely is not about the steps made, but the footprints left!