Those little random thoughts,
Little random thoughts that stay far too long within,
A great idea to initiate that thought,
To finally put it down into action,
I read a piece,
Of a wish that a man said,
"A time like this next year, you'll wish you had started today" ,
And that made me think, got me thinking...
Those little random thoughts I always had,
It's time to put them down in paper,
So I did,
Yet they never seemed sensible,
Time passed...
And it's years later now,
Maybe two, three or ten later,
So I decided,
Am gonna rise from this great ass of mine....
And finally make my random thoughts count!
Carol Gatonye
Little random thoughts that stay far too long within,
A great idea to initiate that thought,
To finally put it down into action,
I read a piece,
Of a wish that a man said,
"A time like this next year, you'll wish you had started today" ,
And that made me think, got me thinking...
Those little random thoughts I always had,
It's time to put them down in paper,
So I did,
Yet they never seemed sensible,
Time passed...

Maybe two, three or ten later,
So I decided,
Am gonna rise from this great ass of mine....
And finally make my random thoughts count!
Carol Gatonye