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Of Life's Ways

Its been a while since I wrote. A while since I took my pen and write notes and words about anything and everything. My mind and the perspective I got about life.

Maybe someday I will write about people's experiences, the ups and downs of cruising this life. Maybe write of that guy who I have seen indulge in alcohol till he's too frail to recognize his own face. Maybe write of that woman who's always too bitter to live, bitter about the consequences of her actions. Maybe that child who's now just a menace to society, who found it too hard to follow instruction.  Maybe I will write my own journey in life. Heck, maybe I should stop wishing and just write already, haa?

Anyway, since I have nothing major to type, and am just writing anything and everything that's passing through my head, maybe, just maybe my mind will slowly drift towards a story.

Am sitted caring about my own business. Been busy online pursuing a course I believe is worth it. I have clicked and clicked, gotten  more information than I bargained for. Phweeks, thank God for Google...oh the mind behind it.How was life before this anyway? I don't wana think about it, but I digress, hmmm.

Am listening to radio and all there is is stories about Cancer. Sad stories. Stories of kids succumbing to this deadly disease that could have been prevented. Talks of death and sadness of life. Reminds me of losing my grandpa to cancer. That endless, painful fight he fought. A painful journey of tears and lost will power. A very long long journey that resulted in an equally painful death.

Our ignorance paved way to foolishness. While we all considered cancer to be the White man's disease, we had no idea it was a hidden bedbug in those dark blankets we covered ourselves with. So it creeped up and ate us away. Taking one soul, then the other and soon, we could not take it anymore. Of-course some thought it was just witchcraft. That little kid I saw running around then one day she had a ballooned stomach. The father called it witchcraft. His ex girlfriend had bewitched his baby. No one really bothered till the little princess was as weak as a feather...and that's when the medications started...and the chemo...and all that eventually was left of this 4yr old girl was 4kg pack of bones

Cancer, that disease that tells you, Hey, get up, it's time to pack your shit! You are going home!
But it doesn't have to come to this.

Drop the ignorance and go get checked. Prostate, Cervical, Breast examinations. This is no longer the white man's disease. We are all affected...


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