Hey there, thanks for visiting my blog. I kind of write about anything and everything. My daily escapades, things I see, experience and what I learn eventually. Hope you enjoy reading. and if you can, drop a comment too will appreciate. 😛😛
Two days ago, I decided to give my body a little change. Well, I am
not the kind of person who can willingly sleep hungry. Except in very extreme
cases and by which too, I would still take a bite. Well, am not a weight watch
freak, but I have a bucket list to which I have to wear a particular dress, put
on some particular shoes, bikini, bla bla and the list goes on.
So, after constant daily research on weight loss, healthy body, very fast slimming ways, many days
of self motivation and daily exercises, constant googles on drastic weight loss
programs; all the time still failing, I decided enough was enough and it was time
I said goodbye to the norm and couch potato thoughts. Well, reading this, it sounds a bit serious. But not quite. You see, as a person who’s always been thin, being fat came
as a shocker. No one really recognized me( I tend to think); of-cos except for my big God given eyes. I was
a somewhat different person. (Thank you baby fat! Thank you very much 😞😞😞😞😞)
From the GM diet, Mukami's diet (one I stole from my demon possessed former collegue--) Lol, story for another day. I digress.After beating my head with so many theories, every day and night, reading and re-reading all comments by trolls and supporters alike, I finally decide to settle on the 3 day egg diet. Boy, wasn't I excited. Amid all demonic voices in my head urging me otherwise, I had to finally make a decision.
The diet promised 3kgs loss in 3 days. Heavenly, right? Beat all other promising miracles by far. Like one for the 40kgs loss at 40yrs in 8 months?
Haha why do people do that? Lose weight, write a book, unleash YouTube videos and the like? While somewhere in Aga Khan hospital a paid surgeon is smiling all the way to the bank for a successful surgery?
Damn ladies... Am no hater though. But be loyal!
The diet promised 3kgs loss in 3 days. Heavenly, right? Beat all other promising miracles by far. Like one for the 40kgs loss at 40yrs in 8 months?
Haha why do people do that? Lose weight, write a book, unleash YouTube videos and the like? While somewhere in Aga Khan hospital a paid surgeon is smiling all the way to the bank for a successful surgery?
Damn ladies... Am no hater though. But be loyal!
Day 1:
Am really psyched up. I decide to follow the diet strictly. 3 days ain't much, I convince myself.
First Day
My day starts with a cup of water 500ml. For Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 2 tomatoes along with a cup of green tea. Am ok with this, take it with ease. But I decide on sugarless black coffee. Lunch, 2 egg whites, 1 cup of green tea and 120 gm of baked or boiled fish. I decide to do away with lunch altogether, since it's a busy day and I have no time to start baking fish. For Dinner, I decide on boiled broccoli, raw carrots and cucumber. Again, push it down with water.Yeiyy! I have made it through day 1, am feeling a bit weak. So i sleep a bit early to cheat my otherwise rumbling stomach.
Second Day
Am happy I made it through day 1.2 more days to go. I start with a glass of water. For Breakfast I go with 1 banana, 2 boiled eggs and 1 cup sugarless black coffee.I drink loads of water. Am excited today since for lunch, I got to eat 2 egg whites and 1 glass of green tea and boiled 120 grams of chicken without skin.I decide not to eat the egg whites. I take one egg white and sea salt plus the boiled chicken. I don't have anything to measure. So am sure I have eaten like 250g. Then take alot of water. I avoid the green tea recommended. And for dinner, I settle on a cup of milk.
I sleep a happy woman.
Third Day
I feel like a winner already. Today is the final day. I have not had an ounce of carbs. The diet: "Here start the breakfast with 1 glass of tomato juice and 2 boiled eggs.". I decide on one tomato and 2 boiled eggs and of cos, black sugarless coffee. For lunch, the diet recommends "1 cup of green tea and 2 egg white along with cooked red meat of around 120 grams". I decide on 100g of red meat and a handful of rice. Damn, my body was aching from starvation. After the meal, I feel like a cheat; but I drink loads of water.I decide to go to church to keep my mind of food during the evening.
Well, this is the day the rain decides to pour. I get rained on and am hungry as hell. The diet recommends "a green salad, 2 baked potatoes and 1 glass of green tea". But well, I have no time. I take a bowl of boiled beans and maize (traditional Kikuyu food; githeri) and of-cos again water and head to bed.
Also note I avoided salt and instead opted for sea salt.
The next day am happy I made it though sad I cheated a little.
I decide to weigh before lunch...and voila! Believe it or not, am 4kgs less! Great day it is.
I eat as normal, cringing that I stick to low or no carbs.By end month, will see how mch will have lost.