My daughter though, is quite the opposite. She just lives, with no care of tomorrow. She also seems older than her 2 years existence on mother Earth. Probably because she knows a
lot of stuff most kids her age don’t. And she’s quite a confident young chap
too. On the other hand, though, am sure she has not taken after me. Quite a not
so social person I tend to be. I prefer to keep stuff to myself. I give occasional
‘hi’s’ to people but never look them in the face. So I might end up saying hi
to the same person twice or thrice a day. Hahaha, now this is not fancy.
Somehow shows I don’t care, which of-course I don’t…well, not always, but I do,
most times...and I sure don’t love to show it.
So this particular day, I decide to introduce my little young-ling to the neighborhood kids. She’s a social being and quite a natural so
am sure it won’t be hard for her to fit in. I give her a ball and escort her
then disappear before she hits the last stair. I watch her from afar; she’s
oblivious of my eagle eyes far away. Once she’s in the pack, her ball is taken
away by the ruthless boys. I expect her to fight back. She doesn't even flinch. She doesn’t seem to mind and she joins in the play.
Being this young, she has no clue about the rules of play. She’s kicking every
side and eventually the boys get bored of her. She’s out of the game of-course.
They are fed up of sharing.
So she notices the anti social conduct but her young soul is
not deterred, she moves to the next person and says hi. Her new friend is all dirt. Fetching dirty water
from a leaking tap, they are splashing the big boys with this and running away.
My girl is screaming wildly and obviously having fun. One ruthless looking boy
losing in the soccer match is not at all impressed by this. He pushes my little
Miss. Perfect away and she almost falls with a thud. Am boiling with rage but I
know I have to let her be. The world is a cruel place to live. I curse and
watch her walk away and try a few push-ups and a cat wheel. I wonder if this is
supposed to mean anything. Maybe she’s creating a comeback so that she fights
back. I wait for 10minutes but nothing! She’s moved on. This brings a smile to
my face. She’s so tiny, and the youngest in this group of 12 yr olds.
But it looks
like she knows how to survive already. Hope she grows this way, but with a tiny
bit of fighting back. The world has no place for weaklings(is she even a weakling really?), so I have learned.
But she’s only 2, she will learn eventually, mostly through the hard way (sadness
of life). She will bleed but am sure she will come leading the pack. She’s a
strong nut. She will live. I know she will.