Dear world, Black people cannot be racist. Take this to the bank,.. As time and years have proved, black people have more problems than just sitting and comparing colors. A black man can be compared to a faithful dog. Submissive to his master and very much ready to do any job, anything for food, a piece of meat in a land full of greens. A black man is the only creature who starves in a country of fertile lands, waits the whole day for fish at the shores of the ocean. Rows his boat months an end to fend for a family of twelve. A black man has many problems. He creates many gods to satisfy his longing to belong, to be loved. To feel important in his own land. He makes a god to lead him into his own promised land. Through religion, he is comfortable in being blind folded into the belief of a god of others. He is contented. He is a descendant of the Father of the land of far. A black man has power problems. He loves oppression. And at the mention of power, he will sell ...